Electrical switchboard safety is of paramount importance in any home. According to the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council, there were a total of 844 switchboard-related electricution fatalities in Australia from 2008 to 2018. This statistic is alarming, yet preventable with regular maintenance and upgrades. Allow our qualified electrician’s to examine your home's switchboard on a regular basis to ensure that it is up to code and that all components are functioning properly. Doing so can help reduce the risk of an electrical fire or shock from occurring in your home due to a faulty switchboard.
It is also important for homeowners to upgrade their switchboards when necessary. Older homes often have outdated systems that may not be able to handle modern electrical demands; investing in an upgraded system can ensure adequate power supply and prevent potential overloads which can lead to fires or shocks. It will also save energy in the long run as more efficient systems are now available on the market.
Taking the necessary steps to ensure electrical safety begins with inspecting your home’s switchboard regularly and upgrading it where needed. This small investment could potentially save lives, making it well worth considering for every homeowner…
Our expert team can assess your switchboard and ensure your safety. So put your safety first and get in touch with our team at Parker Electrical today!